The Béres Foundation

Since 1993, the charitable activities of Béres Pharmaceuticals have been organised and coordinated by the non-profit foundation Béres Alapítvány a Teljes Életért (Béres Foundation For a Full Life)

„My son, if they ask you for help, and you CAN help, it is your duty to do so!”

The maxim of Dr. József Béres Sr.’s mother

The charity work has been coordinated by the Béres Foundation since 1993, and the aim has remained the same since its foundation: to help those in need, and to support value-creating, value-preserving endeavours and communities.

Since its establishment,
the Béres Foundation has…

  • donated more than 3 million bottles of Béres Drops worldwide,
  • held 11 charity concerts to raise money for cancer patients,
  • provided assistance of more than HUF 80 million to institutions caring for cancer patients,
  • worked together with more than 2,600 non-profit organisations,
  • supported the studies of almost 300 young people,
  • assisted in the publishing of more than 250 cultural publications,
  • contributed to the organising of more than 350 cultural events,
  • and provided a total of more than HUF 4 billion in donations.


The Béres Foundation regards the support of patients and the elderly to be an objective of high priority, and to this end, it distributes 100,000 bottles of Béres Drops to those in need every year with the help of national charities. The foundation organises charity evenings as part of the ‘Béres for Cancer Patients’ programme, the entire proceeds of which are donated to institutions that treat cancer patients.


The Béres Foundation participates in supporting education and nurturing talent.

It places a major emphasis on helping talented youngsters who are keen to build on their knowledge – from primary school to university. There are Béres scholarships and awards available at several educational institutions, which it awards to the best students in recognition of the quality of their work.


The Béres Foundation supports the nurturing of traditions and the preservation and sharing of Hungarian cultural values. It supports a number of value-creating, value-preserving initiatives and endeavours, and for more than a quarter of a century it has sponsored artists whom it regards as furthering this goal.