Béres among world’s prominent family businesses

Family Business Network (FBN) International, the association that brings together the world’s major family businesses, held its 31st Annual International Conference, the Global Summit, in 2022, which was hosted for the first time in Hungary. The meeting was attended by some 300 participants from 34 countries around the world, from India to the United Arab Emirates to South and North America – owners and representatives of multi-generational, prominent family businesses.

Members of the Béres family, Dr. József Béres, Chairman of Béres Pharmaceuticals, his wife Klára, and their children Melinda, Marcell and Merse, also took part in the programmes.

The central venue for the event, which ran from 28 September to 1 October, was the Marriott Hotel in Budapest, where leaders of well-known Hungarian and international family businesses, including the Béres family, participated in plenary presentations, small-group discussions, case studies and community workshops. The programme was complemented by study tours, family and factory visits.

In Erdőbénye, at the Béres Vineyards, Melinda Regéczy-Béres, the winery’s Managing Director, welcomed the prestigious group, where, during the “Wine of Kings – King of Wines” tour, participants listened to Melinda’s presentation on the vineyard, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, then tasted the winery’s excellent wines, brandies and champagnes in a convivial atmosphere and to great acclaim.

Wine of Kings – King of Wines” tour at Béres Vineyards

On the second day of the conference, during the “Family Visit”, the members of the organisation visited the headquarters of Béres Pharmaceuticals in Budapest, where Marcell Béres, Director of Innovation and Portfolio Management of our company, spoke about the family and their businesses. Under the expert guidance of our colleagues, the guests also visited the modern development laboratory located at our headquarters and toured our museum dedicated to Dr. József Béres Sr., who invented the Béres Drops 50 years ago, where Klára, Melinda and Merse were the “tour guides”.

Family Visit” at the Budapest headquarters of Béres Pharmaceuticals

In a pleasant, family atmosphere, the meetings were a great opportunity to swap stories from decades of experience across the generations, and to gain some useful insights.

We can proudly say that the presentations of both our companies, Béres Pharmaceuticals and Béres Vineyards, as well as their owners, were received with universal appreciation.

Published on:2022.10.06